
Skarhult currently has 1175 hectares under plow, of which 55% is organic farming. This includes organic potatoes, seed cultivation for both cereals and seeds as well as vegetables such as organic sugar beets and organic carrots.

Nu är skörden inne.

The estate of Skarhult continuously works to create a greener farm. We want to be both fossilfuel-independent and self-sufficient in water supply. We concentrate on expanding our ability to irrigate the crops at Skarhult and to be able to store water in a sustainable way.


Being at the forefront of future agriculture is a constant challenge, where Skarhult’s team always tests ideas. It is the combination of what the employees believe in and what the customer demands that governs our choices of goods. The earth is the legacy we always take care of in the long run. The crop on the farm is more short-term and will meet customer demand over the next 12 months. We always have this in mind when planning for a greener farm and the future.

Skarhults nyskördade ekologiska potatis